Monday, October 28, 2013

Yoga: the Vaccine Against Teenage Angst

  Most of us remember our turbulent teenage years with a cringe - only a cruel God would couple hormonal awkwardness with crippling self-consciousness as the two most prominent characteristics of adolescence.  We all survived, and the sentimental among us might even suggest that we are stronger having faced the many challenges of growing up.  However, while puberty might be a fact of life, I don't believe the suffering has to be a rite of passage.

Timeless depiction of teenage angst.
(Combat angst by imagining Emilio Estevez doing yoga)
  Self Esteem: the only known antidote for teenage angst.  This is a particularly important concept for young women as we tend to be our own harshest critics, known to compare our bodies to those of classmates, coworkers, and even photoshopped celebrities.  For teenagers in a state of physical and emotional flux, this preoccupation with an impossible standard can be devastating, leading young women especially to take extreme and unhealthy measures to look like someone else.  It is important to instill the value of self-love in our children before these changes start taking place to help make growing up a happy transition.  A regular yoga practice for kids and teens is a great place for young people to get to know and love their bodies, even as it changes shape and size.

Coordination. Yoga is the perfect way for young people to get acquainted with their bodies, gaining and maintaining control of motor skills as they grow and develop as children and young adults.  Practicing bodily control on the mat will help teens combat the clumsiness that comes with adolescence.

Tuning out.  Teenagers are already famous for their selective listening skills - now yoga can help them become experts at even tuning themselves out!  During class, they will learn to quiet their minds, focusing on the practice and listening to the cues of the teacher. This also means being better able to turn off that self-critical voice that governs teenage self-doubt.

Patience.  Yoga takes a great deal of patience; but with practice, improvement is inevitable.  It is hugely rewarding once any yogi realizes she can now stretch deeper or balance longer in a challenging pose.  The pride that comes with improvement in the yoga studio will facilitate self-esteem in all aspects of life.

  While self-esteem is crucial for young girls, it is hugely important for all kids.  Another unfortunate truth about growing up is the existence of bullies.  It is often a lack of self-esteem that leads kids to be cruel to others in the first place; luckily self-love helps the victims of bullying to stay strong and cope.  Growing up can be awkward, but it doesn't have to be painful. Through teaching kids yoga, we can help them to be happy in their own skin and embrace their bodies!

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